For any further questions or help please contact the Strategic Planning team.

The publication version of the Local Plan review and site allocations are now available for public comment. Get involved by commenting on matters of soundness and legal compliance. The consultation is open until 4pm on Monday 5 May 2025.

What is a Local Plan?

A Local Plan sets out a vision and a framework for the future development of an area. 

It helps to set the land use planning policies in areas, such as, adapting to climate change, protection of green and natural environment, types of homes that are needed, what infrastructure is needed to support development, how developments should be designed and the protection of the historic environment. 

Local Plans are central to the planning system and provide development management policies that all planning decisions are to be measured against. 

Local Plans also help set out where new housing and employment development will be brought forward in an area. This is important as a plan led approach helps protect areas form unwanted speculative development and provides a longer term view for planning education, transport, health and utilities infrastructure. 

The Telford and Wrekin Local Plan (TWLP) is the Development Plan for the borough. It is central to delivering plan led growth and is the starting point for assessing planning applications in the borough. 

Why are the Council reviewing the Local Plan?

The TWLP 2011-2031 was adopted in January 2018 and all Local Planning Authorities are required by Government to review the local plans every 5 years following adoption under The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The purpose of a review is to take account of changing circumstances affecting the area, as well as any relevant changes in national policy. 

The Borough is therefore required to comply with regulations and ensure its Local Plan is up to date and in conformity with the revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This approach provides the best means of protecting valued places and spaces and resisting unwanted speculative development. 

As the review progresses the council will make relevant consultation and evidence related material available. 

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Strategic Planning team

Telford & Wrekin Council
PO BOX 457
Southwater One

Telephone: 01952 384241
Email: [email protected]

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