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The draft Local Plan consultation is now closed.

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Now the Telford and Wrekin draft Local Plan consultation has closed, what is the next stage in the plan making process?

The comments and feedback received though the draft Local Plan consultation, also known as Regulation 18, will be taken into account when drawing up the revised version of the plan.

As well as analysing comments and feedback, we will also be gathering other information to support the next version of the plan. These include:

  • Progression of the plan evidence base in areas such as highways modelling, flooding, drainage and infrastructure provision
  • Further discussions with infrastructure partners including NHS, Environment Agency and utilities providers
  • Refinement of proposed sites to be included in the next version of the plan
  • Updating planning policies contained within the draft Local Plan to reflect comments received during the consultation. 

There will be a further opportunity for residents and stakeholders to comment on the next version of the plan. This is scheduled to take place towards the end of 2024.

To be kept up to date on the progress of the Local Plan please sign up to receive email updates.

Why is the council reviewing the Local Plan? 

The council is required by Government to review the Local Plan every five years to stay up to date with changes in local and national policies. This ensures that we can plan for the future effectively and address issues like climate change, housing, transport, and infrastructure. 

What does the Local Plan aim to achieve? 

The Local Plan sets a vision and framework for our borough’s development. The Telford and Wrekin draft Local Plan focuses on creating sustainable communities, combatting climate change, providing better homes for everyone, protecting our green spaces and natural environment, and improving the health and wellbeing of all residents. 

Are all the locations identified in the draft plan going to be developed / built upon? 

The draft Local Plan is a consultation document, and no firm decisions have yet been made. The results of this consultation will be used to inform the final Local Plan and the list of sites that will be allocated for development. 

Will green spaces be protected in the Local Plan? 

Yes, protecting green spaces is a priority in the Local Plan. The draft Local Plan identifies new Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) and will ensure we can invest in the natural environment through a net increase in biodiversity. The Local Plan will help create new areas of publicly accessible green space, play and recreation facilities and greener developments with, for example, street trees. 

How many homes are the council planning for? 

The draft Local Plan proposes around 20,200 new homes be delivered during the plan period which runs from 2020-2040. This will be distributed across Telford, Newport and the rural area. However 55% of these homes have already been built (since 2020) or have been granted planning permission. This means the Local Plan will need to find land to deliver around 441 new homes per year. 

How can I participate in the Local Plan consultation? 

The consultation on the draft Local Plan is now closed. There will be a further opportunity for residents and stakeholders to comment on the next version of the plan. This is scheduled to take place towards the end of 2024.

Are the council holding any engagement sessions over the consultation period for the draft plan?

Yes, the Strategic Planning Team organised a range of sessions which are set out below:

  • Meeting Point House, Telford Town Centre (for general information)
    23 November 2023 between 4pm and 7pm
  • Shawbirch Community Centre (for the proposed SUE near Bratton)
    28 November 2023 between 4pm and 8pm
  • Leegomery Community Centre (for the proposed SUE near Wappenshall)
    29 November 2023 between 4pm and 8pm
  • Newport Town Council
    30 November 2023 between 11am and 2pm
  • Horsehay Village Hall (for general information)
    5 December 2023 between 4pm and 7pm
  • Rodington Village Hall (organised by the local Parish Council)
    6 December 2023 between 5pm and 8pm
  • Lawley Community Centre (organised by the local Parish Council)
    7 December 2023 between 4pm and 7pm
  • St John’s Church Hall, Muxton (for the proposed SUE near Muxton)
    12 December 2023 between 4.30pm and 8pm
  • Church and Chetwynd Aston Village Hall (organised by the local Parish Council)
    13 December 2023 between 4pm and 7pm
  • Admaston House Community Centre (organised by the local Parish Council)
    14 December 2023 between 3.30pm and 6.30pm
  • Lilleshall Memorial Hall (organised by the local Parish Council)
    15 December 2023 between 3.30pm and 6.30pm
  • Turreff Hall, Donnington (organised by the local Parish Council)
    18 December between 5pm and 8pm
  • Edgmond Village Hall (organised by the local Parish Council)
    19 December 2023 between 11am and 2pm
  • Waters Upton (organised by the local Parish Council)
    10 January 2024 between 5:30pm and 7:30pm
  • Little Wenlock (organised by the local Parish Council)
    16 January 2024 between 6pm and 8pm

Where can I view a hard copy of the Local Plan document? 

During the consultation on the draft Local Plan (25 October 2023 – 31 January 2024) there were hard copies of the draft plan and accompanying policies maps available at the following locations across the borough:

  • Dawley and Malinslee Community Library - Dawley House, 22 Burton Street, Dawley, TF4 2ES
  • Madeley Library and First Point - The Anstice, Park Avenue, Madeley, Telford, TF7 5BB
  • Wellington Library - Wellington Civic and Leisure Centre, Larkin Way, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1LX
  • Southwater Library - Southwater Square, Southwater Way, Telford, TF3 4JG
  • Stirchley Community Library - The Sambrook Centre, Stirchley, Telford, TF3 1FA
  • Newport Library - 53 - 55 High Street, Newport, TF10 7AT
  • Oakengates Library - Telford Theatre, Oakengates Library, Limes Walk, Oakengates, TF2 6EP
  • Brookside Central (formerly Brookside Community Centre) - Burford, Brookside, Telford, TF3 1LP
  • Donnington Community Hub – St Matthews Road, Donnington, Telford, TF2 7RB
  • Hub on the Hill (formerly Sutton Hill Community Centre) - 104-106 Southgate, Sutton Hill, Telford TF7 4HG
  • Leegomery Community Centre - Leegate Avenue, Leegomery, Telford, TF1 6NA
  • Park Lane Centre - Park Lane, Woodside, Telford, TF7 5QZ

Can I get a copy of the document in an alternative format? 

If you need copies of any of the draft Local Plan documents in large print, braille or in another language, please contact us on 01952 384241 or email

Can I make a representation on behalf of a group? 

Yes. Where there are groups who share a common view, it would be helpful for that group to send a single response that represents a collective view as this can avoid a large number of individual representations that repeat the same points. In such cases the group should indicate how many people it is representing; a list of their names and addresses, and how the representation has been agreed e.g. via a parish council/action group meeting; signing a petition etc. 

There is an option when registering on the council’s consultation portal to register as an agent. What does this mean and do I need to click this?

Agents provide planning advice for their clients. As part of the consultation, agents will submit comments on behalf of their client/clients. If this is not relevant to yourself, please do not click ‘I am registering as an agent’ when registering on the councils consultation portal. 

What is a ‘duly made’ comment? 

Government guidance sets out how comments need to be made to be then considered as part of the plan making process. It is a requirement of the Local Plan process that comments are received in a written format (i.e. online, by email or by post) with a name and address supplied. Representations cannot be made anonymously, but details will only be used in relation to the Telford and Wrekin Local Plan review. Comments made verbally or anonymously cannot be accepted.

What happens after the draft Plan consultation period? 

After the Telford and Wrekin draft Local Plan consultation, the council will carefully analyse all feedback received. Your ideas and concerns will help refine and update the Local Plan. A final draft will be produced and there will be a further opportunity for comments to be made. These and the final plan will then be submitted to Government for consideration, ensuring that our community’s voice shapes the future of our borough.

What would be the Councils response where incorrect information has been communicated?

It is important that information for the Local Plan is accurate and therefore where issues have been identified the Council reserves the right to amend information in the interest of clarification.

Why are you planning for more homes?

The Government require councils to maintain a supply of housing to meet their area’s need for new homes. Delivering new homes is an opportunity to provide:

  • quality affordable housing for residents, this includes homes for social and affordable rent 
  • low cost homes for sale through the First Homes scheme
  • different types of homes including Extra Care, bungalows and retirement living homes 
  • better quality private rented accommodation
  • accessible homes with step-free access and in some cases design for wheelchair users.

Why are we planning for more homes when existing infrastructure is under pressure? 

The draft Local Plan acknowledges the need for new infrastructure to support growth. We are working with council services such as education and highways, as well as other public sector agencies including the NHS, the Environment Agency and National Highways to identify infrastructure necessary to support the Local Plan. As proposals for new housing sites come forward for planning permission the council will secure financial contributions from developers to help fund some of this infrastructure.

Why do we need more homes in villages?

The Council wish to support rural areas and villages, this includes supporting younger and older residents as well as businesses and community life. Planning for development means there will be more residents using local businesses such as shops and pubs and more local children attending village primary schools. It is also more difficult, given the higher property values, for younger people to remain in our rural areas and for people to down size and stay within their local community. Planning for a range of homes will help address these issues and ensure that our villages remain vibrant places to live.

The draft Local Plan includes multiple site proposals for some areas. These are only proposed sites for consultation, and it is unlikely that all site options in any one area will put forward into the final plan as no firm decisions have been made. Your feedback on this consultation will be used to inform the final Local Plan and the list of sites that will be allocated for development.

Will there be enough jobs to support all of these homes? 

Telford & Wrekin Council is keen to ensure that development of the borough and additional homes will not simply result in commuting. The council is therefore planning for over 167 hectares of employment land in accessible and sustainable locations to encourage economic growth, inward investment creating local jobs and giving local companies the space to grow. 

How can I see existing development that already has permission?

If you would like to see housing and employment sites that have been given planning permission (completed, under construction or not yet started) since the start of the Local Plan period (2020) alongside proposed sites for consultation. 

Why isn’t there more information about details like roads and other infrastructure in the draft Local Plan for smaller proposed developments?

Should sites be selected for the final version of the Local Plan they would still be subject to the normal planning application process, including ensuring adequate and appropriate services such as roads and other infrastructure, prior to approval. In addition, the council will be required to update their Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) before the Local Plan Review is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination which will identify the cumulative infrastructure needs over the plan period. This would cover all types of services such as education, health, transport, drainage, highways, open space etc. 

If a site has been allocated for future development in the plan does this mean it has planning permission?

No – the purpose of site allocations in the Local Plan is to identify land that could, in principle, come forward for either housing or employment development during the plan period (2020-2040). This helps to provide certainty around the location of future development, but it does not determine the final form or detail of development proposals. A planning application will still be required to establish and seek approval for these aspects. 

Will there be building on greenfield sites? 

We are committed to a brownfield-first approach, utilising previously developed land where possible. While some greenfield sites may be required, strong policies in the Local Plan will protect valued landscapes, our green network, Local Nature Reserves and help secure new and improved green space as well as a net increase in bio-diversity and ecology across the borough. 

How are you ensuring that Telford will have enough infrastructure to support the proposed new developments?

This stage the draft Local Plan consultation aims to identify the most appropriate locations for future development, from the proposed options available. The council is already in contact with infrastructure providers, and before submitting the Local Plan Review to the Planning Inspectorate for examination, we will be required to update our Infrastructure Delivery Plan to ensure that the cumulative infrastructure needs of these new developments can be addressed.

What are Sustainable Urban Extensions and how will they affect existing communities? 

Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUEs) are larger development sites on the existing urban boundary of Telford. These areas will be carefully master planned, incorporating benefits such as, new primary schools, a mix of homes including affordable, accessible and supported housing, new accessible green spaces, local centres, job creation, sustainable travel routes for walking, cycling and wheeling and climate friendly development with energy efficient homes. 

How many SUEs are the council consulting on? 

The council is consulting on three potential SUEs in the Telford and Wrekin draft Local Plan, these can be viewed on the interactive policies map (opens new window). The council is seeking the views of residents and stakeholders on the proposed sites. 

Where are the three proposed SUEs? 

The three proposed sites are north of Shawbirch, Wappenshall and north east of Muxton. 

Why does the council need to consider SUEs? 

The council is consulting on the inclusion of SUEs for a number of reasons, including: 

  • there is not enough land within the existing Telford boundary to meet the boroughs need for new homes, therefore the expansion of the Town now needs to be considered
  • by focusing growth on larger SUEs it will maximise the opportunity to secure new infrastructure, including contributions to highways, education and health provision
  • delivery of these sites will ensure that a greater range of homes and community benefits such as open space and sustainable travel routes are delivered. 

Where I can see more specific details about the plans for the SUEs?

The Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) site promotors have provided the council with the following: masterplans, phasing plans and vision documents. These documents include information about public green spaces, proposed roads and bus routes as well as proposed use of the site and indicative housing and employment figures. These documents can be found within the proposed site allocations page of the website.

Why are we building more homes when the A&E is closing? 

As part of developing the Local Plan the council will be engaging with the NHS to provide them with a long term forward view of the amount and location of new homes in the borough. This will help the NHS plan for their services over the longer term. In the absence of a long term forward plan it will much harder for public services like the NHS to lobby Government for funding and plan for the needs of the population. The council is well aware of the issues surrounding the A&E department and we will continue to work with the hospital trust to ensure that the urgent care needs of the Telford & Wrekin are met. 

I can’t get a doctor’s appointment now, won’t more homes make things worse? 

GP’s are private contractors to the NHS and not under council control. The NHS is working with all local GP’s to ensure that they are maximising the space within existing buildings from which they provide their services. The council is working with the NHS to understand where there are any gaps in capacity that could be addressed through infrastructure planning work. It is the NHS’s responsibility to train and recruit new GP’s and staff. The plan will also help deliver new homes that will be more affordable to key workers such as NHS staff helping to retain, for example, nursing staff in the local area. 

Download our Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

For any further questions or help please contact the Strategic Planning team.

Telford & Wrekin Council
PO BOX 457
Southwater One

Telephone: 01952 384241
