The vision for the borough is set out below:
- by 2040, Telford and Wrekin will be a Forest Community with an enhanced and protected natural environment that local residents can enjoy close to their doorstep
- it will be a borough that is adapted to climate change through well connected sustainable transport, energy efficient homes, renewable energy and the location and design of developments
- development will be focussed in the most sustainable locations with good access to facilities, services and job opportunities
- new development contribute to the health and wellbeing of residents and will provide a mix of homes that meets the changing needs of our population; and
- inward investment to create jobs and regeneration opportunities will be achieved through new development supporting a more prosperous borough.
- the council, residents and stakeholders are custodians of the boroughs historic assets and environment and these will be given the highest levels of protection for future generations to come.
Key priorities and objectives for the draft Plan include:
- tackling climate change and achieving carbon neutrality
- protection and enhancement of green and natural environment
- maximising inward investment and employment opportunities
- securing better homes for all
- delivering regeneration, renewal and stronger communities
- improving health, wellbeing and tackling health inequalities.