For any further questions or help please contact the Strategic Planning team.
The draft Local Plan consultation is now closed.
The Local Plan seeks to ensure that new homes are delivered across the borough that are affordable and accessible so that everyone has a home that works for them and meets their needs, this includes planning for the needs of:
Affordable homes across a range of tenures including homes for rent, shared ownership and low cost home ownership will be critical to supporting residents in the borough broaden their opportunities to access good quality homes. It will support much needed key workers such as nurses, teachers, fire fighters and police officer live and work in the borough. A range of affordable housing options will also help residents on lower income access good quality homes with lower running costs and help graduates returning to the borough buy or rent their first home.
The council’s Specialist and Supported Accommodation Strategy (2020-25) and Homes for All Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) both explain how the Council will develop a range of specialist and supported accommodation, and ensure that support and care services promote people’s wellbeing and independence.
The plan will also help deliver more accessible homes with step free access as well as a greater range of house types such as bungalows to meet peoples changing needs. A greater range of homes on larger developments will help people live within their own homes and communities for longer and help reduce pressure on services such as health and social care.
The plan includes provision for Sustainable Urban Extensions or SUEs. These are extensions to the existing urban area of Telford that would be delivered as planned communities that include infrastructure such as primary schools, green open space, local centres and employment opportunities. SUEs would be connected to Telford via good quality walking, wheeling and cycling routes and improved public transport.
The Council also wants to support residents who want to build their own homes, and will support them to ensure their homes are well-designed and fit their needs and how they want to live.
The Local Plan provides a framework for the delivery of a range of new housing in the borough, this includes:
Please note: The consultation on the draft Local Plan has now closed. Any comments made past 5pm, 31 January 2024 will not be considered.